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Dr. Anthony Etyang


Principal Investigator

Research groups:


Tony is a physician and Epidemiologist with research interest research interests are in generating accurate estimates of the burden of disease in adults using linked clinical and demographic surveillance data and specifically in hypertension. His current studies specifically examine the pros and cons of different methods of blood pressure measurement on the epidemiology and clinical management of hypertension. I am also testing the hypothesis that previous exposure to malaria is associated with higher blood pressure using a Mendelian randomization approach.

Currently, he is leading the SONIA Trial, a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Standard Care versus Steroids plus Standard Care for Treatment of Pneumonia in Adults Admitted to Kenyan Hospitals. His previous study was known as SHINDA, a study to estimate the burden and risk factors for hypertension in Kilifi, whose results it is hoped will guide the implementation of preventive strategies in the future. He was also the local lead investigator for the REALITY trial that is testing an expanded package of interventions to reduce early mortality in HIV-infected adults and children starting anti-retroviral therapy.
