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Principal Investigator

Research groups:


Anthony Scott trained in clinical infectious diseases and in epidemiology before coming to work in Kilifi in 1993 as a Wellcome Trust Training Fellow. He started studying the aetiology and risk factors of pneumonia in adults and subsequently investigated natural immunity, diagnostics, host-susceptibility and transmission epidemiology of pneumococcal disease in children. In 2000, he set up the Kilifi Health and Demographic Surveillance System with Tom Williams. In 2004, Anthony initiated a regional network of surveillance for pneumococcal disease (netSPEAR) with Mike English. Currently, he is a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow and Professor of Vaccine Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


Currently, his work involves a large-scale phase IV impact study of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Kilifi and a multi-site study of the aetiology of pneumonia in children in developing countries. He is working with PATH Vaccines in the clinical development of a whole-cell pneumococcal vaccine and supervises students in the areas of pneumococcal pathogenesis, modeling of pneumococcal transmission and vaccine impact and the role of childhood malaria in the aetiology of hypertension in adults in Kilifi.

Oral amoxicillin versus benzyl penicillin for severe pneumonia among kenyan children: a pragmatic randomized controlled noninferiority trial

Agweyu, A., Gathara, D., Oliwa, J., Muinga, N., Edwards, T., Allen, E., Maleche-Obimbo, E., English, M.

Clin Infect Dis. 2015; : 1216-24

Building Learning Health Systems to Accelerate Research and Improve Outcomes of Clinical Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

English, M., Irimu, G., Agweyu, A., Gathara, D., Oliwa, J., Ayieko, P., Were, F., Paton, C., Tunis, S., Forrest, C. B.

PLoS Med. 2016; : e1001991

An unsupported preference for intravenous antibiotics

Li, H. K., Agweyu, A., English, M., Bejon, P.

PLoS Med. 2015; : e1001825

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