Dr Magdalene Kuria on life in retirement and her experiences with the Clinical Information Network
Dr Magdalene Kuria is a pediatrician with many years of experience. She was part of CIN and possess a rich history of the network and its evolution over time. We had a candid interview with Dr Kuria where she reflected on the value of CIN and her future aspirations for the network. Before the inception […]
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A newborn clinical audit tool for hospitals in Kenya
A new clinical audit tool has been developed to measure and provide feedback on the quality of hospital care provided to sick and small newborns during the first 28 days of life. Clinical audits provide a clear and systematic framework for monitoring gaps in the care provided with the goal of improving quality of care […]
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How the partnership between KPA and KEMRI-Wellcome birthed the Clinical Information Network
They say two things change the world: people with enough fortitude, conviction and ability; and ideas of how the world can be. The same can be said of the Clinical Information Network, which was established by a small group of people with an unwavering commitment to improving child health in the country. We spoke to […]
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